Weather Policy
Parents and Guardians:
Winter is approaching and our first snow has fallen. Please send your child to school in warm outerwear. We encourage you to send an extra set of gloves/mittens and a hat. The extra outerwear will be kept in your childs locker in the event that it is needed.
If you would like to donate extra gloves or hats for students who are in need, please send the items to school to my attention. I will keep extra items in the office.
Students go outdoors for recess during winter months unless the wind chill, and/or temperature are below 10 degrees. Therefore, flip-flops, shorts, and sweatshirts should not be considered appropriate outerwear during winter months.
Outdoor recess policy:
a.) If a student wears boots, snow pants, winter coat, winter hat, and gloves, he or she may play in the snow and on the snow piles.
b.) If a student does not wear boots, snow pants, winter coat, winter hat, and gloves, he or she will stay on the hard top surface.
Thank you for your support and assistance. Please contact me if you have questions or concerns.
Educationally yours,
Dr. Malahy