E-Learning Information
Lostant Families
You are receiving this letter because of the anticipated weather conditions that could cause us to have one or two remote learning days. Below are the plans for Wednesday and possibly Thursday. Please send me an email if you have questions or concerns.
1. All k-8 students will bring their chromebooks and chargers home on Tuesday. THESE
ITEMS MUST COME BACK TO SCHOOL the first day we return from a remote day.
2. Students may also have their headsets/earbuds going home. THESE ITEMS MUST COME
BACK TO SCHOOL the first day we return from a remote day.
3. All students have a remote schedule. If you misplaced the schedule, please call the school
office tomorrow, Tuesday, and we will send a copy home with your child.
4. Some students require paper/pencil assignments. These assignments are due the first day we
return from a remote day. Late assignments whether paper/pencil or online will result in a zero grade.
5. We are going to access one of our e-Learning Days. Therefore, breakfast and lunch will not
be provided on the e-Learning Day(s). All students must attend school virtually unless the student is a paper/pencil student. Attendance will be taken every class period by the teachers.
6. If you do not receive a phone blast message by 7:00 a.m. then we are having school. Please
allow extra time for transportation services because the bus may be running slightly late. I plan to have a phone blast out by 6:30 a.m.
Educationally yours,
Dr. Malahy Superintendent